About the Box channel

Box is a cloud content management and file sharing service for businesses.

Please note that terms used in the Box channel categories are Box specific terminology.

How to connect

  1. On the My pipelines page, click Create pipelines. Enter name, description, and tag fields and click the Create Pipelines button. The pipelines wizard displays:

  2. From the wizard you choose the connections for the first steps of your pipeline. When you choose a type, you'll add the channels and steps for your first steps. You can always add more steps later. A Triggered pipeline is started by a specific event in real-time. A Scheduled pipeline will start according to a schedule. A Manual pipeline only starts manually. Once you've completed the wizard, you'll be prompted for connection detail, if necessary. If you are an experienced builder, click the Start from scratch button and then from the right side of the page, choose the All to list all available channels.
  3. Expand Box in the list of channels and click Connect to Box.
  4. In the pop-up window, click Connect to Box.

  5. Sign in with your Box credentials and click Authorize.

  6. Click Grant access to Box.

Note:If you connect after 60 days of inactivity, your token may have expired. To avoid a "Remote API returned authentication error," you will need to reconnect to Box.

How to reconnect the Box channel

You may need to reconnect your account to a channel. Reasons may be (but not limited to):

  • If you need to connect a different account.

  • Authorization updates, such as a changed password.

  • Editing the access rights that Pipelines has to the channel.

To reconnect:

  1. Select a pipeline that already has Box in it.
  2. Open a step containing Box.
  3. Under account, select Connect (or reconnect) and follow the process above, How to connect.


The steps you can use with Box fall into two categories: Folders and Files.

Type Name Description
Trigger Folder Created Triggers when a new folder is created in the selected account.
Trigger Folder Modified Triggers when a folder is modified in the selected account.
Trigger Folder Trashed Triggers when a folder is trashed in the selected account.
Action Create Folder Creates a new folder. A parent folder should be looked up in a previous step.
Action Create Folder In Creates a new folder in the target folder path. If the target is not available, folder will be created in the root directory (All Files/).
Action Create Shared link Create a shared link for a selected folder.
Action Update or Move Folder Updates a selected folder from a previous step. Can be used to rename or move a folder.
Action Delete Folder Delete a folder.
Action Delete Folder (recursive) Deletes a selected folder from a previous step that is not empty by recursively deleting the folder and all of its content.
Action Copy Folder Creates a selected folder from a previous step within a destination folder. The original folder will not be changed and should be looked up in a previous step.
Query Search Folders Searches for folders in the selected account and returns a list.
Action Fetch a linked Folder Fetches a single linked folder.
Action Look Up Folder

Looks for a folder based on search criteria and returns a single result.

Note: When using a path for your query, use everything after the /folder section of the Box URL.

For example:


It may take up to 10 minutes for this action to discover newly created Box folders.

Trigger File Uploaded Initiates the pipeline when a new file is uploaded to Box.
Trigger File Modified Initiates the pipeline when a file has been modified.
Trigger File Trashed Triggers when a file is trashed in the selected account.
Action Upload File Creates a new file in Box from the selected folder in a previous step.
Action Upload file in Creates a new file. If the folder is not defined, the root folder will be used (All Files/).
Action Create shared link Create a shared link for a selected file.
Action Update or move file Updates a selected file from a previous step. Can be used to rename or move a file.
Action Delete File Deletes a file in the selected account.
Action Copy file Creates a copy of a selected file from a previous step. The original file will not be changed.
Query Search Files Returns a list of files based on search criteria.
Action Fetch a Linked File Fetches a file based on specific criteria.
Action Look up a file Looks up a file in Box.


In the Box channel you can upload files up to 32 MB.

Use Cases

Here are some use case examples to help you understand how to use the Box channel.

In this case, you'd like to upload a csv file from Box and add it to a table in Quickbase.

  1. Add a Box Lookup File action to locate your csv file.
  2. Then add a Quickbase Import CSV step. Import with CSV will import data from a given CSV resource into a specified table in Quickbase. See About Import with CSV in the Quickbase Channel for more information.