Sharing apps with other users
If you have the permissions, Quickbase lets you share your app with other users. To do so, choose Users from the Table bar, then click the Share app with new user button.
Use this dialog to add and assign a role to each new user. You can choose to invite users by sending an email, or to simply add them without inviting them.
Tip: People you want to invite do not need to have existing Quickbase user accounts. If you invite someone who's never registered before, Quickbase creates a provisional user account. You can ask Quickbase to send the user an email at any time (read how below). Once your invitee clicks the link in the email and registers with Quickbase, your app opens in their browser.
Note: Some realms may turn on a setting that only allows realm admins to invite new users who have not registered for a Quickbase account. If you see an error while trying to add new users, contact your realm admin.
Note: If your app includes user fields, you can also add or invite users as you enter data in your app. And, you can import users if you want to share your app with many users.
Adding users to different roles
Each user you add to your app needs to have a role. If you've set a default role, that role is automatically assigned. Otherwise, choose a role from the Role dropdown on the dialog. If
you want to add several users and assign them to different roles, click
the Add users in another role
link on the dialog. A new line appears, allowing you to specify additional
users and assign a different role.
Add users or groups to your Quickbase app
To add users or groups to your Quickbase app:
On the Share With a New User dialog, identify the users and groups you want to add in the box provided and select the appropriate role.
In the input box on the dialog, you can enter or paste an email address (
Note: You can also enter an email domain name if you want to grant access to all users in your company, or in another company. Learn how.
If you need help finding users, see the next section below.
Select the Send email invitation option if you would like to send an email to the new user(s).
Click Add.
If you chose to send an email invitation, the Send Invitation dialog displays. Either accept the default message, or write a new one, and click Send. Quickbase sends the new user an email message inviting them to the app.
If you chose to add users without sending an email, Quickbase just adds the user to your app. You can send an invitation later using the Send Invitation option on the Users page.
Finding users or groups to invite
Quickbase can also help you find users when you're not quite sure of their names, email addresses, or user names.
Let Quickbase auto-suggest users or groups
Quickbase uses auto-suggest to help you find groups you belong to and users in your company.
Finding groups – On the dialog, as you start typing the name of any of your groups, Quickbase tries to find the group and presents you with matches. For example, imagine that you belong to a group called MyTeam. If you type myte on the add dialog, Quickbase will display the group MyTeam and allow you to select it. Quickbase displays all the groups that match the string you entered. If you happened to belong to two different teams with similar names (MyTeam and MyTestTeam, for example), Quickbase would display both of these choices for you when you type myte.
Finding users – If your email domain has been registered with Quickbase, Quickbase auto-suggest tries to help you find existing Quickbase users within your company. Quickbase auto-suggest checks to see whether the email domain you used to sign in has been registered with Quickbase. If it is registered, Quickbase displays a dropdown containing possible matches it finds as you begin typing names, email addresses, or user names on the dialog. (Learn how to register your company's email domain with Quickbase.)
For example, if you sign in to Quickbase with this email address: checks to see whether the email domain has been registered with Quickbase. If it has been, Quickbase displays a dropdown of possible matches within your company as you begin typing the user's name on the Share With a New User dialog.
You can select any user you want to add from the dropdown.
Use the Quickbase address book
You can also use the Quickbase address book to find users. (Click the address book icon to the left of the user field.) Use the address book when you're not sure of the user's email address, user name, or full name.