Brand and Customize the Realm Appearance

This topic refers to functionality that is only available to accounts on the Business-level or above plans. If you do not see the functionality described here, either your account or realm has not been configured to show it, or your account is not on one of those plans.

As a realm administrator, you can customize your Quickbase interface so that it features your corporate logo and colors in the header or footer of each page displayed in your realm. Additionally, you can provide links to helpful pages for all your Quickbase users.

Any changes you make to the realm UI propagate throughout the billing accounts and applications that comprise your realm.

Note: An application manager can also make custom changes at the application level; and any changes made at the application level override the changes made at the realm level for that application.

This topic describes how to:

Change basic page items

  • Colors in the header. You can change the background color of the banner that appears at the top of your Quickbase pages, as well as the color of any text you enter in the right and left elements.

  • Basic changes to the header and footer. Quickbase lets you make these basic changes that require little-to-no HTML expertise:

    • Left and right header elements: You can replace or eliminate the elements that appear in the left and right corners of the header. Left and right elements can be text or images, and you can choose to create links with these, to link your users to helpful web pages.

    • Text, images, and links in the footer:  You can add a bottom right footer element, allowing you to add text or images to the bottom right of your pages. Like the header elements, the footer elements can be links to other web pages. Again, you can enter basic changes or custom HTML for your footer.

    • Custom HTML for headers and footers: If you have HTML expertise, you can insert HTML code to customize your headers and footers. If you use this option, you are not limited to the text and image options available with basic customizations.

  • Right-side Quickbase options. You can choose to hide the Alerts button and the user drop-down.

  • Text for the Sign In page. The Quickbase Sign In page displays standard text that you can change for your users. You can paste in custom HTML that appears to users throughout your realm when they sign in to Quickbase.

Use custom HTML

You can use custom HTML for your headers and footers. Keep in mind, though, that certain tags are not supported; if you insert code containing these tags, Quickbase strips them out when it saves the footer code: <object>, <script>, <embed>, <frameset>, <frame>, <iframe>, <applet>, <html>, <body>.

Quickbase accepts a maximum of 3800 characters in total for the HTML used in your customizations. When you save your changes, Quickbase totals the number of characters (including HTML tags) used in your header, footer, and sign in message. If the number exceeds 3800, Quickbase displays a message telling you have exceeded the limit. You can then edit your HTML; once the number of characters is less than 3800, you will be able to save your changes.

Add images

If you want to add an image to your header or footer, you need to provide Quickbase with the URL, or the location on the Internet where the image resides. This means your image needs to be either:

  • Stored somewhere on the Internet. There's one potential problem with this approach: Your viewers may receive a warning when they access your application. If the image lives on a non-secure site (the URL begins with HTTP instead of HTTPS), the user's browser displays a warning message that not all items on the page are secure. This may alarm users who fear that displaying non-secure items (like your image) would make their computer vulnerable to a virus or worm.

  • Stored as a file attachment within one of your application records. If you store your images this way, you must ensure that everyone on the Internet can access the table that stores these images.

To store the URL of an image as a file attachment in Quickbase:
  1. Open the record where you stored the picture as an attached file.

  2. Right-click the link, select Properties to display the URL, then copy the URL.

  3. Paste the full web address in the desired element link field under Custom Page Banner.

Set header color preferences

You specify custom colors for your header text and background using the Colors area of the UI tab. Specify custom colors by completing one of the following tasks:

  • Type a color name for basic colors or enter a hexadecimal value in either the Text or Background fields.
    Hexadecimal values tell web browsers exactly what color to display by indicating alphanumerically how much red, blue and green the color contains.

  • Click the color chooser icon next to the Background and Text fields to browse and select from the color options shown there.

Tip: For more information about hexadecimal values and web colors, click here to access the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) site.

Add text or images to your header or footer

To add basic text or images to your header or footer:
  1. On the My Apps page, click Manage name_of_realm.

  2. Click UI.

  1. Click the Header or Footer tab.

  2. In the content area, click Basic.

  3. Use the Left Element and Right Element boxes to enter the text or image location.

    Note: You can only enter a Right Element for the footer.

    • Type text in the Left Element or Right Element boxes.

    • Type the Web address of the image in the Left Element or Right Element boxes.

  4. Click Preview to see a preview of your header.

  5. Click Save.

Add a link to your header or footer

To add a link to your basic header or footer:
  1. On the My Apps page, click Manage name_of_realm.

  2. Click UI.

  1. Click the Header or Footer tab.

  2. Enter text or the web address of an image in the Left Element and Right Element boxes.

  3. Click the link icon next to the Element box where you want the link to appear.
    For example, if you've entered an image in the Left Element box in the header and want that image to link to a web page, click the link icon next to the Left Element box on the Header tab.

  4. Enter the web address for the target of the link.
    For example, if you type "ACME" in the field  Left Element header field and click Save, Quickbase displays the text "ACME" in the upper left corner of your page in the banner. To make that text a link, click the link icon next to the Left Element header box and enter the target URL.

Add custom HTML to your header or footer

To add custom HTML to your header or footer:
  1. On the My Apps page, click Manage name_of_realm.

  2. Click UI.

  1. Click the Header or Footer tab.

  2. Click HTML.

  3. Enter the HTML code you want Quickbase to use for your header.

    Note: The following tags are not allowed and are stripped out of the HTML code that you enter here:

    <object>, <script>, <embed>, <frameset>, <frame>, <iframe>, <applet>, <html>, <body>

  4. Click Preview to see a preview of your header.

  5. Click Save.

Hide right-side options in Quickbase

To hide the Alerts button and the user drop-down that appear in the upper right corner of your application pages, select the Hide right-side options... checkbox.

Add a custom Sign In message

To add a custom Sign In message:
  1. On the My Apps page, click Manage name_of_realm.

  2. Click UI.

  1. Click the Sign In Message tab.

  2. Click HTML.

  3. Enter the HTML code you want Quickbase to use for the sign in message.

    Note: The following tags are not allowed and are stripped out of any HTML code you enter here when Quickbase saves the message:

    <object>, <script>, <embed>, <frameset>, <frame>, <iframe>, <applet>, <html>, <body>

  4. Click Preview to see a preview of your header..

  5. Click Save.

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